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Kratom and Hiccups: Causes & Strategies to Stop Them

Kratom provides various potential effects, including energy stimulation, mood boosts, mental clarity, alertness, relaxation, and calmness, just to name a few. At the same time, there are also a number of undesirable effects, with some of the most common ones being nausea, headaches, dizziness, lethargy, blood pressure changes, and eye wobbles.

Another semi-common negative effect of kratom is hiccups, which seem to affect some individuals more than others. While evidence-based research explaining their connection is lacking, anecdotes and testimonies from various kratom users say otherwise. What’s the real deal between kratom and hiccups, and can a user help reduce their occurrence or even prevent them from happening? This post will explore kratom and hiccups, the common reasons for why they happen, and strategies for how to prevent or eliminate them in some cases.

image of understanding hiccups

Understanding Hiccups

Hiccups, also called hiccoughs or singultus, occur when your diaphragm repeatedly spasms and your vocal cords close. When you hiccup, your diaphragm (the muscle separating your abdomen from your chest) suddenly pulls down while you’re breathing, so you suck in more air quickly. At the same time, the space between the vocal cords, or your glottis, also closes to prevent more air from entering your airway, producing the “hic” part of the hiccup.


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Hiccups usually stop on their own without any direct intervention and can last for several minutes to several hours (or days in some people). Some of the most common triggers for hiccups are listed below.

  • Eating or drinking too much or too fast
  • Drinking soft drinks or other carbonated beverages
  • Under emotional stress or excitement
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Sudden temperature changes
  • Spontaneous swallowing of air, especially when smoking or chewing gum
  • Neurological reasons related to the effects of certain substances

However, there may also be instances when hiccups last for a longer time, which may indicate nerve damage or problems in the central nervous system, metabolic issues, or other problems. When you experience prolonged hiccup episodes, consult your doctor right away.

What Causes Kratom Hiccups?

The correlation between kratom and hiccups has not yet been proven, but a few users have experienced hiccuping after taking kratom. While there are no established reasons why this happens, the following are the most frequent causes:

Potential CausesExplanations
Not Drinking Water After TakingHappens especially in higher doses
Drinking Too FastThe powder form is the easiest way to consume kratom, but gulping it down can increase the risk of kratom hiccups
Taking Too High DosesHappens when your body is not yet used to the high dosage and intense effects
Neurological ReasonsHiccups may be related to neurological reasons that are caused directly by kratom and its various alkaloids.

How Long Do Kratom Hiccups Last?

There are no established guidelines on the average duration of kratom hiccups however, those who have experienced this reported varying durations, with some lasting for 15 minutes, others half an hour, and a few taking high doses lasting for one hour to an entire day.

One user reported experiencing violent hiccups after drinking a specifically potent strain, producing intense effects. The hiccups jerked his whole body and resolved on its own, although it took him 12 hours to recover.

image of possible ways to stop kratom hiccups

Possible Ways to Stop Kratom Hiccups

Typical hiccups can resolve on their own, but there can be some simple tricks you can use to try and stop them or reduce their occurrence for next time.

1. Ear Plugging Method (The Lam’s Method)

It may sound like snake oil, but The Lam’s Method is mentioned in scientific literature. It is an easy method to try and perhaps the first one that could be attempted to see if it resolves your kratom hiccups. Here is how to do the Lam’s Method:

  • Apply firm pressure to the tragus of each ear on both sides at the same time. The tragus is the small flap of cartilage in front of each ear canal.
  • Fill up a full glass of water and drink the whole amount through a straw continuously without any pauses.
  • Throughout the whole process, make sure pressure is maintained on the tragus of each ear.

It may feel like a gag, but if you want to try the Lam’s Method, it might just be the method that solves your kratom hiccups!

2. Try the Hiccaway

Another method that may be laughable is to try the Hiccaway. Like the Lam’s Method, this one seems like a joke. However, these guys were featured on Shark Tank, and their website says their device is clinically proven. You can purchase the device on Amazon for under $20, and it might just be the new method to resolve your annoying kratom hiccups problem.

3. Lower the Dose / Spread it Out

Some users suggest that kratom hiccups are a result of taking large doses all at once. You could try to lower your dose and/or spread it out over a longer period to see if this resolves your kratom hiccups.

4. Change Schedule

You may also try changing the time you take your kratom to check whether the hiccups are resolved with the schedule change. For instance, if you usually take your kratom when you wake up on an empty stomach, try taking it later in the morning after a meal. Sometimes, a schedule change will help resolve the issue for some people.

5. Change Methods

If using a method like the toss-and-wash, try switching to a method where you drink the mixture slower, as gulping down fluid can increase the chances of kratom hiccups appearing. If you take kratom capsules and are noticing the appearance of hiccups, try brewing tea instead and see if that resolves them. Sometimes, changing the methods can help resolve the hiccups experienced by some users.

image of other simple stratagies you might want to try

Other Simple Strategies You Might Want to Try

There are other easy strategies you may want to try and see if the kratom hiccups would stop – that’s considering you’re one of the unfortunate ones who do experience them on a regular basis.

A potentially effective way to stop kratom hiccups is by taking a deep breath and then sipping water half a dozen times so you’re repeatedly swallowing water. Afterward, slowly let the air out and retake slow, deep breaths.

You can also try blowing air out of your lungs, then hold your breath as long as possible. Some users reported that their kratom hiccups stopped after taking a shot of lemon juice or pickle juice diluted in water.

Kratom Hiccups: Learn to Live with Them

Maybe you have tried all the strategies above, and nothing has worked. Neurological reasons may cause the hiccups, and some people might be extra sensitive to them. The most common reasons are related to the method of intake and dose, but neurological reasons are the third potential reason. Or maybe you have an underlying condition associated with the consistent hiccups that may warrant a visit to your doctor. Ultimately, it’s something; you might have to live with your kratom consumption or abandon the use of kratom altogether if it is annoying enough for you.

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