We use Google Analytics (GA) on New Dawn Kratom to monitor and collect web traffic data for marketing and business analysis purposes. We do not sell, share or redistribute Google Analytics data to any third party. We collect IP address and location, browsing activity, device type, and user operating system through Google Analytics. We do not collect names, emails, or other personal information through Google Analytics.
Please click here to learn more about how Google Analytics collects and processes web traffic data. You can turn off Google Analytics data collection using “Incognito Mode” in your browser. Most browsers also allow you to block 3rd party cookies (please refer to your browser for support). Additionally, if you have a Google Account, the My Activity section allows you to review and control data that are created and monitored when you use Google Services.
You can learn more about safeguarding your Google data here.
On New Dawn Kratom, we use a secondary traffic analytics service called statcounter.com. Statcounter collects IP address and location, browsing activity on newdawnkratom.com, and the operating system of the user’s browser. You can read more about Statcounter’s Privacy Policy here. To turn off StatCounter tracking, please browse in Incognito Mode, or turn off 3rd party cookies in your browser settings.
We use a third-party service called shopperapproved.com to collect authentic seller rating reviews and product reviews. Shopperapproved.com is an official Google Review partner. Your email may be collected by Shopper Approved for the purposes of marketing New Dawn Kratom’s products. Please review the shopperapproved.com privacy policy here.
Customers can leave product reviews on newdawnkratom.com and associated social accounts. All comments go through a moderation process and must follow our terms of use.
All content uploaded to newdawnkratom.com must be free of profanity, derogatory remarks, racism, sexism, or any comment meant to marginalize or offend another person or entity. Additionally, any content with pornographic or sexually suggestive content is strictly prohibited. User-generated content making a medical claim is prohibited. A medical claim includes any content that is objective or subjective.
By publishing a review to newdawnkratom.com, you give us express permission to reuse or republish this content (including images). Contact us if you request a product review to be edited, changed, or removed.
The data shown in the comments form, alongside the visitor’s browser and IP address, are collected whenever a comment is posted on our site. This data is used for spam detection and prevention.
Email addresses may be referred to the Gravatar service to check whether comment posters use Gravatar. The process requires that your email address be encrypted as an anonymized string, also called a hash.
The Gravatar privacy policy can be consulted here. Once comments are approved, Gravatar profile pictures will be visible to visitors viewing your comment.
All content uploaded to newdawnkratom.com must be free of profanity, derogatory remarks, racism, sexism, or any comment meant to marginalize or offend another person or entity. Additionally, any content with pornographic or sexually suggestive content is strictly prohibited. User-generated content making a medical claim is prohibited. A medical claim includes any content that is objective or subjective.
By publishing a comment to newdawnkratom.com, you give us express permission to reuse or republish this content (including images). Contact us if you request an edited, changed, or removed comment.
If you want to upload images to the website, ensure the attachments do not have location data embedded in them. Anyone visiting the website will be able to download and extract location information from media files that are posted. Media files that are uploaded must follow our content publishing guidelines and will do through a moderation process. By uploading an image to newdawnkratom.com, you give us permission to reuse and publish the image(s). If you would like an image or media file removed from newdawnkratom.com, please get in touch with us.
Both users and customers can subscribe to our mailing list. Our mailing list is managed through Mailchimp.com. On newdawnkratom.com, you can subscribe to our mailing list on several pages. We will collect email and first and last names upon subscribing. The subscribed email list is managed through Mailchimp, and you can learn more about their Privacy Policy here. To unsubscribe from our mailing list, you can reach out to our support, or you can click the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of our Mailchimp emails sent from support@newdawnkratom.com
We use a third-party conversion optimization service called convertcart.com. Convert Cart connects to newdawnkratom.com via a script, and the script uses cookies and tracking pixels to analyze and collect personal information. This personal information includes email, checkout data, cart data, and browsing activity. Please read Convert Cart’s full privacy policy here to learn more about how Convert Cart processes, analyzes, collects, and uses data.
To turn off Covert Cart tracking, please disable 3rd party cookies in your internet browser. You can also use incognito mode. If you have received a Convert Cart retargeting email, please click unsubscribe in the footer of the email.
Both users and customers can create an account on newdawnkratom.com. Personal information in user and customer accounts are as follows: first and last name, billing, and shipping address, phone and email, and past order history (if applicable). Customer and user information is stored securely within their account and must be accessed with a username and password in my account section of our website. Please ensure to select a secure username and password and change it frequently.
If you wish to have your user or customer account deleted from our website database, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Our website and checkout are fully secured (please view “how we protect your data below”). For credit card payments, use the gateway Authorize.net is integrated with our shopping cart plugin (woocommerce). Newdawnkratom.com follows PCI DSS compliance protocols; however, a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) has not evaluated our website. Sensitive credit card payment information (card number, expiry, CVC) is not stored on our website or in database files.
Credit Card information is hidden within Authorize.net (except the last four digits of the card number). You can read about the total authorize.net privacy and data protection policy here.
ACH payments are handled through gulfmanagementsystems.com. Gulf Management Systems has its own self-managed gateway and data protection procedures. Please click here to learn more about their API and ACH Gateway security.
All visitor and customer data we collect is stored in our databases. The information is secured and encrypted, in addition to being protected by real-time security software operated by the web hosting company. Additionally, we regularly keep website files, WordPress, and plugins up to date.
For server security, we use ConfigServer eXploit Scanner (cxs). CXS is a server-side anti-virus and malware scanner. The script regularly scans the server and files for malicious code and exploits. We use Wordfence, a WordPress firewall, and an anti-malware tool for WordPress website security.
Additionally, newdawnkratom.com uses Cloudflare.com, which offers firewall and DDoS protection. Cloudflare does not collect any user data; you can learn more here.
Our website (https://newdawnkratom.com/) benefits from end-to-end, 256-bit SSL encryption. Any information from our users or visitors, including sensitive data submitted via contact form or user registration, is encrypted and can only be intercepted and deciphered by our platform.
The safety of personal data is our foremost priority. We spare no effort to ensure the safety of sensitive information and take every precaution we can to prevent malicious third parties from being able to access or steal it.
Customer information, including names, delivery addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers, is stored using a MySQL database. Our safety technician monitors and maintains database security at all times.
In addition, we provision protection software and plugins on our website to ensure our database is safe from malicious attacks on possible vulnerabilities or outdated programs. For protection purposes, our servers do not store and will never store any banking or credit card information. Sensitive financial information is relayed to the gateways provided during payment. Our website does not have access to such information nor any decipherable transmissions.
Our employees can access customer accounts where names and addresses, email, or phone information are stored for order processing purposes. The access is used to update contact and/or delivery information when this is the case, as well as to be able to reset passwords. Employee activity related to user accounts is closely monitored to ensure the safety of users’ personal information.
Data breaches follow our data breach protocol for reporting and informing users/customers.
To prevent our website from being targeted by malicious traffic, we use a WordPress extension called Wordfence. This firewall keeps track of malicious attacks and monitors user activity for signs of malicious content or code. If Wordfence detects unusual activity from a specific IP address, it may block users. Since the process is automated, false-positive blacklisting is possible. Blacklisting from the server can also happen through Cloudflare. Please email support@newdawnkratom.com if you suspect you have been blocked by accident.
We reserve the right to block, blackist or delete any customer or user account. We may block user accounts for violation of our terms of purchase and use. Additionally, we may block or blacklist customers for the harassment of other users on our website or newdawnkratom.com staff members. Customers will also be blacklisted for initiating chargebacks.
We reserve the right to restrict, block access, and blacklist any customer or user on our website for any reason. If you wish to submit an appeal on a blacklisted or blocked account, you can reach out to support@newdawnkratom.com
Users of New Dawn Kratom can sign up for our affiliate program. Our affiliate program is run through third-party software called idevaffiliate. Idevaffiliate tracks customer data via cookies. This cookie tracks a visitor from the affiliate’s webpage to our website. The cookie tracks the user data, including browsing activity on newdawnkratom.com. The cookie remains in place for 45 days. To disable idevaffiliate tracking cookies, please disable 3rd party cookies in your browser settings, or browse in incognito mode. To learn more about the idevaffiliate policies, click here.
For affiliates of New Dawn Kratom they must follow the New Dawn Kratom affiliate program terms and conditions. Failure to comply with the affiliate program’s terms and conditions can result in a restriction of the account or complete termination. A full termination for violating the program’s terms and conditions will result in the forfeiture of unpaid commissions.
We do not sell, redistribute or gift your data to any third party. A third party is classified as any party that falls outside the operational functioning of the newdawnkratom.com website.
If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy, data collection, or how we store data or use it, then please reach out to us below:
Email: support@newdawnkratom.com
Phone: (855) 813-2105
Mailing Address: 10073 Valley View St., Ste 144, Cypress, CA 90630