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The Best Kratom Tea Recipe

The kratom tree is indigenous to Southeast Asia and is largely grown in the tropical conditions of Indonesia. Indigenous cultures chewed kratom leaves. But in the Western world, they are sun-dried, and broken into smaller pieces or crushed into a very fine powder. You can also brew kratom tea from the powder or dried leaves using a kratom tea recipe.

Brewing kratom tea releases alkaloids faster than chewing on fresh kratom leaves. This means that you benefit from faster absorption of the alkaloids into your bloodstream. And, ultimately, you’ll enjoy a quicker onset of effects.

If you’re curious about kratom tea and want to experience some of its associated benefits, then you’re in the right place. We’re going to take you through the various recipes for preparing kratom tea. We’ll also throw in some important information that you need to know about kratom tea.

What Is Kratom Tea?

Kratom and coffee are close botanical cousins since they both come from the Rubiaceae family. Kratom tea also mimics coffee in terms of use, as it is drunk every day and used for its revitalizing effect.


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Despite its close resemblance to coffee, kratom does not contain any caffeine concentrations. They are however rich in alkaloids. Two of the primary alkaloids include:

  • Mitragynine
  • 7-hydroxy mitragynine

Brewing kratom tea involves steeping kratom powder or kratom leaves in hot water. This process activates the plant’s mitragynine alkaloid, known for inducing its energizing effects and bitter taste. Kratom tea mellows down a bit after cooling, so some devoted kratom drinkers tend to drink it when cold.


What Are the Benefits of Kratom Tea?

Kratom tea has multiple benefits:

  • Kratom tea is quite stimulating. Users allude to more pronounced mood-uplifting effects after drinking it.
  • The alkaloids present in kratom tea quickly enter your bloodstream since all the alkaloids have already been pulled out of the leaves. So your body doesn’t have to do any additional extraction.
  • The tea tastes much better than the original bitter taste of kratom. This is because natural sweeteners like honey, sugar, and agave juice help mask the bitterness. You can also refrigerate and drink it when you’re ready. This brings a whole lot of convenience.
  • Kratom tea has an almost similar potency compared to other kratom extracts like liquids. Besides the great potency, you’re also guaranteed that there are no preservatives or additives when brewing your own kratom tea recipe.
  • The unwanted wobbles associated with kratom don’t show up when drinking kratom tea. Wobbles refer to the effects of consuming too much kratom. These include droopy eyes and slight dizziness.

In general, green and white kratom strains give off energizing and mood-uplifting effects. That’s why they are used by fitness enthusiasts to kick-start their workout sessions. You can also use them ahead of a busy day. The red kratom strain on the other hand is sedating and is perfect for a lazy evening or before going to bed.

image of kratom tea benefits

Tips for Brewing Kratom Tea

Of course, brewing kratom tea is simple. But there are a few tips to keep in mind to help you prepare a strong brew.

1. Avoid Using Boiling Water

Do not use boiling water when preparing kratom tea. This is because there’s a higher chance the alkaloids might break down under intense heat. Alkaloids are the active compounds in kratom responsible for the beneficial health effects. When they’re broken down, you won’t experience the effects expected from kratom tea.

So in order to experience the desired effects, you should use boiled water that has cooled slightly or heated water that’s below the boiling point.

2. Choose the Ideal Kratom Strain

Just like traditional tea, kratom tea is versatile and can serve different purposes at different times of the day. It all boils down to understanding the purpose of your tea, which influences your choice of kratom strain.

  1. Uplifting strains like green and white kratom powders are ideal for brewing energizing daytime teas.
  2. The red vein strain is ideal for making relaxing nighttime teas.

3. Add an Acidic Ingredient

The kratom alkaloids are quite stable but may deteriorate when exposed to intense heat for a prolonged period. When this happens, you end up with less-potent kratom tea.

The trick to this kratom tea recipe is to add an acidic ingredient like apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to help thwart the reaction that disintegrates the alkaloid compounds. An acidic ingredient also adds a stimulating punch to your tea.

4. Mask the Bitter Taste

Kratom veins have a bitter taste. They can be rather unpalatable, especially when you use less water per dose. So you should add more water to dilute the sour taste. Of course, the amount of water you use to brew your kratom tea depends on your dosage. That said, one to four cups per dose is a perfect middle ground.

Alternatively, you can add natural sweeteners like honey, agave juice, or sugar. You can also add flavorings such as cinnamon, citrus zest, or ginger to disguise the bitter flavor.

Kratom Tea Recipes to Try Out at Home

1. Brewing Using Kratom Powder

A common way to brew kratom tea is by using fine K=kratom powder (ground kratom leaves).

Here’s what you will need for this recipe:

  • A saucepan or teapot
  • Two to three cups of water
  • A small whisk
  • Your choice of kratom strain powder
  • A coffee filter or strainer
  • Lemon fruit
  • A sweetener of your choice, like honey, agave juice, or sugar


Brewing instructions:

  1. Add a cup of water to the saucepan or pot. Heat it just below the boiling point and then reduce the heat settings to a gentle simmer.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice in the hot water before adding an accurate dose of kratom powder.
  3. The powder has a tendency to form a clump at the bottom of the saucepan or pot. So you should use a small whisk to break up the lumps of kratom powder while evenly dispersing the powder particles in the hot water.
  4. Allow the mixture to simmer for around 10 to 15 minutes before you remove the pot from the heat.
  5. Let the mixture steep for around five minutes. By this time, the powder should have settled at the bottom of the pot.
  6. Put a coffee filter or tea strainer over your mug and pour the finished kratom tea over it. This will collect the entire undissolved residue powder.
  7. Add honey or your preferred sweetener and drink the tea immediately.

2. Brewing From Crushed Kratom Leaves

Another kratom tea recipe is from crushed kratom leaves. If you prefer clear kratom tea without leftover powder residue, you can use crushed leaves as an alternative. This is best if you have kratom plants in your backyard since you can always have fresh kratom leaves.

image of crushed leaves

What you will need:

  • A saucepan or kettle
  • A teapot
  • Two to three cups of water
  • Your dose of kratom crushed leaf
  • A coffee strainer or filter
  • Lemon fruit
  • A reusable teabag
  • A sweetener of your choice, like honey, agave juice, or sugar


  1. Heat two to three cups of water in a saucepan or kettle to just below the boiling point.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice into the hot water.
  3. Fill the tea bag with your dose of kratom crushed leaf and add it to the teapot.
  4. Add hot water to the teapot that has the tea bag.
  5. Allow the mixture to sit for about 15 minutes. If you want a stronger flavor, allow the mixture to steep for a longer time. This process allows the transfer of alkaloids from the kratom leaves into the tea.
  6. Remove the tea bag and strain the kratom tea into your mug.
  7. Stir in your preferred sweetener and drink immediately.

3. Brewing Kratom Iced Tea

If you don’t like hot beverages, try kratom iced tea, especially on a hot sunny day.

You’ll need the following ingredients for this recipe:

  • A cup of strained kratom tea
  • ½ cup pineapple juice
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • Ice cubes
  • Ginger
  • A teaspoon of honey


  1. Cut two slices of ginger and add them to the hot kratom tea.
  2. Allow it to sit for five minutes.
  3. Stir in a teaspoon of honey until it dissolves in the tea mixture.
  4. Add both orange and pineapple juices to the mixture.
  5. Allow the hot tea mixture to cool.
  6. Add a few ice cubes to the cooled tea and serve immediately.

4. Brewing Acidic Kratom Tea

As previously stated, the addition of acids in your kratom tea helps to safeguard the alkaloids’ composition so that they don’t deteriorate or disintegrate in hot water conditions. This helps maintain the potency of the alkaloids. Apple cider vinegar and lemon or lime juice is another kratom tea recipe that can help you with this.

What you will need:

  • Your dosage of kratom powder or leaves
  • Two to three cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • A teapot or kettle
  • A coffee filter or strainer
  • A sweetener of your choice, like honey, agave juice, or sugar.
  • Lemon or apple cider vinegar


  1. Pour water into the kettle or teapot. Heat it to a simmer but don’t bring it to the boiling point.
  2. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the hot water.
  3. Remove the teapot from the stove and then add your dosage of kratom powder or leaves.
  4. Allow the mixture to steep for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. The kratom would’ve settled at the bottom of the teapot by now. So filter the solution using a coffee filter or strainer into a cup.
  6. You can then add baking soda to the tea. This serves to eliminate the acidic flavor of your kratom tea.
  7. Add a natural sweetener like honey to the kratom tea and drink immediately. Meanwhile, stir or shake after every sip to keep everything mixed up evenly.

5. How to Make Kratom Sun Tea

Preparing kratom Sun tea is a viable alternative if you want to create a large batch for serving many people or storing and drinking for the entire week. Instead of using a stovetop, this brewing method uses UV light to brew kratom tea. The sun tea method produces kratom tea with a more mellow or weaker flavor.

What you’ll need:

  • A one-gallon glass jug
  • 12 to 15 cups of water
  • Reusable tea bags
  • The measured dose of crushed kratom leaf



  1. Pour water into the one-gallon glass jug.
  2. Pack the reusable bags with crushed Kratom leaves. Make sure you don’t overfill them.
  3. Seal the packed tea bags and put them in the water-filled jug.
  4. Stir the mixture thoroughly for an even spread.
  5. Seal the jug and place it in the sun for four to five hours. Choose a suitable location with the best direct sunlight exposure.
  6. Do away with the teabags.
  7. Pour the tea into a glass and add your preferred sweetener, then drink it immediately.
  8. Reseal the jug and put it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to consume the kratom tea again.

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?

When brewed into tea, a small dose of kratom powder or crushed kratom leaves kickstarts the effects in about 10 to 15 minutes. Higher doses result in prolonged effects that may last for several hours. The effects usually peak off between 1 ½ and 2 ½ hours after drinking the tea.

That said, it would take a day for your system to get rid of half the kratom you ingest. And for your system to be completely flushed out, it may take five days. Of course, this depends to some extent on your body’s metabolism.

The Bottom Line

The popularity of kratom tea seems to be growing rapidly as more and more people learn about its effects. Kratom tea generally has energizing effects when consumed in small doses. However, higher servings may result in side effects, such as appetite loss, nausea, dehydration, and insomnia.

When brewing kratom tea, you can use crushed kratom leaves or powder in your recipe. You should however note that kratom tea is bitter. To mask the bitter taste, you can use our kratom tea recipe which encourages you to add natural sweeteners like honey, sugar, and agave juice. That said, you may experience nausea or stomach upset if you’re drinking kratom tea for the first time. So you should start out with small doses and see how your body reacts before scaling up your dosage.

image of kratom tea

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