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Why Does Kratom Cause Hiccups? Remedies and How to Prevent Them

Experiencing hiccups after taking kratom is common with some users. While this is not harmful in any way and usually stops after some time, it can be really annoying. So, what is the connection between kratom and hiccups, and is there a way to stop it? We’ll cover all of that in this article.

What Causes Kratom Hiccups?

Kratom hiccups are experienced by some kratom users, and it is one of the unusual side effects of kratom. Generally, hiccups happen when a specific stimuli or action triggers the nerve to send the diaphragm into spasms.

Now that we understand that it is the nerves controlling the diaphragm that are responsible for hiccups, let’s see how this relates to kratom and also consider some other possible causes of kratom induced hiccups.

image of kratoms stimulation of diaphragmatic nerves

1. Kratom’s Stimulation of Diaphragmatic Nerves

Some medications that interact with mu-receptors in the brain are believed to induce hiccups as a side effect in some individuals. Kratom also interacts with mu-receptors thanks to its two active alkaloids, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

When this interaction with mu-receptors happen, it potentially causes hiccups through a reaction in the nerves controlling the diaphragm. This is believed the reason some people experience hiccups after using kratom.

2. High Doses and Tolerance Levels

Anecdotal evidence suggests that kratom users with a low tolerance level may experience hiccups more frequently. Also, a higher dosage appears more likely to cause hiccups than lower dosages.

3. How You Ingest Kratom

Another possible reason you are experiencing hiccups with kratom could be the form of kratom you are taking. A large chunk of users who get hiccups say it happens more frequently when they take kratom in capsule form. Taking kratom too quickly as a powder mix can also increase the likelihood of hiccups.

4. Lack of Hydration

Taking kratom can lead to dehydration due to its diuretic nature, and dehydration can possibly contribute to hiccups. Our bodies are primarily made up of fluids, and when you are low on fluids, it can cause an electrolyte imbalance. This might potentially affect muscle functioning, including that of the diaphragm, and lead to the development of hiccups..

In addition to this, dehydration can cause digestive issues like acid reflux or stomach irritation. This might potentially trigger the diaphragm spasms responsible for hiccups.

Additionally, many kratom users have discovered that not taking enough water with kratom doses is a major trigger of kratom induced hiccups. The powder can become clumpy in the stomach, creating air pockets that may lead to hiccups.

image of user experience with kratom hiccups

User Experiences With Kratom Hiccups

Within the kratom community, user experiences of kratom and hiccups have been mixed. For some users, they experience hiccups each time they take a dose of kratom; some experience it only occasionally and some don’t get hiccups at all. In most cases, kratom-induced hiccups can last from a few minutes to several hours.

As a kratom user you should not be too surprised about experiencing hiccups. This is so because certain medications that target similar mu-receptors in the brain, and kratom can function in a similar but milder way like these medications.

How to Prevent Hiccups Associated With Kratom

The remedies for kratom-induced hiccups include:

  • Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after taking your kratom. This can reduce air pockets in your stomach and help to dissolve the powder, hence can prevent hiccups.
  • You should also consider reducing your dose or spreading it out throughout the day. This may help prevent hiccups.
  • If you experience hiccups with kratom powder, consider mixing it thoroughly with a beverage rather than swallowing it directly.
  • You should also make sure you buy your products from reliable vendors certified by the American Kratom Association. There are so many low-quality kratom products out there, and it could be a reason for your hiccups.
  • Products like Pepto-Bismol are useful to bring some relief to digestive symptoms such as hiccups, nausea, and stomach upset.
  • Other kratom hiccup remedies suggested by kratom users include holding your breath or engaging in breathing exercise, drinking water through a paper towel, and using CBD products.

Lesser-Known Insights and Side Effects Related to Kratom

There are other side effects you may experience with kratom, such as bloating, gas, and burping. These effects are common with neophytes or when you take kratom in larger doses.

Another thing we have noticed based on user experiences is that taking kratom regularly can eventually reduce hiccups. This is because your body will adapt to the effects of kratom over time. However, you must be mindful of building tolerance to kratom to avoid dependency. Dependency is a more serious potential effect than hiccups and will lead to unpleasant symptoms upon stopping kratom.

image of lesser known insight and side effects of kratom

Summary and Conclusion

Kratom is associated with hiccups for some users. While these hiccups are harmless, they can be annoying for most people. Understanding the cause of your kratom hiccups is a good step to remedying the problem.

The major things to do to try and prevent kratom-induced hiccups include staying hydrated, controlling your dosage, and trying another consumption method. We hope this will help you understand the cause of your kratom hiccups and find a solution to it.

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