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Kratom Hair Loss: Does Kratom Cause Hair Loss?

Kratom may have many positive effects, but it also has its fair share of disadvantages. Besides the well-known side effects that come with consuming more kratom than you can handle, there’s some speculation that it may also cause hair loss.

But how true is this, and what causes it? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at kratom’s effects on the body, particularly its potential to cause hair loss. We’ve also thrown in some useful information to help you get your hairline back.

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Does Kratom Cause Hair Loss?

Ever since kratom gained widespread popularity in the US, there have been numerous hair loss claims among users. However, there’s limited research supporting the link between kratom and thinning hair, making many users skeptical about the reported hair loss claims.


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With that said, by observing the interaction of kratom’s alkaloids with the body, experts have been able to determine that kratom usage may lead to hair loss indirectly. However, it is important to note that these claims are not definitive, as there is no evidence that supports the notion.

Kratom is also said to have a significant effect on your body’s immune system, causing it to attack the hair follicles on the skin and promote inflammation of the scalp. These two effects can cause significant hair thinning and possibly even hair loss.

Some other possibilities for kratom-induced hair loss include the following:

Contaminated Kratom Products

According to some reports, selenium-based kratom pesticides may cause hair loss. However, the reports fail to mention any other cases of hair loss when the pesticide is used with other plants, thus casting doubt on the authenticity of the claims.

With that said, it is important to err on the safe side by avoiding all kratom products contaminated with pesticides. You can do this by simply checking each product’s lab results before making a purchase.

Ideally, any pesticides used to support the plants’ development should break down entirely before harvest. If you see the presence of pesticides in the lab report, the farmers applied the fertilizer too late in the harvest, thus limiting the plants’ time to break it down. Eventually, this leads to a contaminated harvest with harmful chemicals.

Kratom’s Testosterone-Lowering Effects

There is numerous anecdotal evidence suggesting that kratom may have a significant effect on the body’s testosterone levels, aside from the immune system. And although there is limited scientific evidence supporting its effect on humans, several animal studies show that extended kratom use may lower testosterone levels.

Several kratom users have reported experiencing symptoms of low testosterone after using the herb for extended periods. These symptoms include low libido, lack of motivation, low energy, and brain fog.

However, there’s a lot of controversy around these reports considering that several other substances, including certain medications taken by kratom users, could cause hair loss.

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Symptoms of Hair Loss

Depending on cause and severity, hair loss can present itself in several ways, including gradual hair thinning, bald spots, thinner ponytails, and receding hairlines. In most cases, hair loss happens gradually, but it may also disappear suddenly in a span of one or two days.

Most reported kratom hair-induced loss issues involve a gradual thinning at the top of their heads and a receding hairline. Some also get circular or patchy bald spots.

However, despite the overwhelming number of cases related to kratom and hair loss, it is important to note that there are many other possible causes of hair loss. These include genetics, aging, medication, and illness. Therefore, before singling out kratom as a possible cause for hair loss, it is important to first consider other viable causes.

How to Reduce the Chances of Kratom Hair Loss

If you’re worried about losing your hair after indulging in kratom, here are a few measures you take to reduce the chances of losing hair:

Reduce Your Kratom Dose

Most kratom-related cases of hair loss involve individuals who take large doses of kratom over a long time. Based on this ‘coincidence’ and possible theories revolving around why kratom causes hair loss or affects the hair follicles, it might be safe to assume that taking substantially large kratom doses may increase your chances of losing hair.

Therefore, it is advisable to regulate your kratom intake by taking smaller doses and spacing your doses accordingly. You may also consider taking a kratom break every once in a while to give your body a chance to detox and recover from the effects of kratom.

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Take High-Quality Kratom Products

Like with every other profitable sector, the kratom industry attracts a lot of unscrupulous dealers. Besides the harmful pesticides mentioned above, some farmers and vendors also add other harmful substances to give their products harder-hitting effects at the expense of unsuspecting consumers.

To err on the safe side, it is advisable to only buy kratom products from reputable sources, preferably online vendors with good reviews and lab test results posted on their websites.

Avoid Taking Kratom With Certain Medications and Cosmetic Products

Some medications are known to cause hair loss. When taken with kratom, they may further accelerate the situation. These medications include the following:

  • Anabolic steroids
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Birth control pills
  • Certain cancer medications
  • Antipsychotic c medications

Possible Treatments for Kratom Hair Loss

Does kratom cause hair loss? Whether or not this is true, there are various solutions you can use as hair loss remedies. Here are several things you can do to reduce the rate of hair loss, protect your hair follicles, and encourage hair growth:

Eat a Healthy Diet That Supports Hair Growth

Everything you eat has a corresponding impact, not just on your body but on your hair as well. Like your body, your hair needs nourishment to grow healthy. Foods like fruits and vegetables contain high levels of vitamins and mineral salts necessary for healthy hair development and boost your immune system, too. While you’re at it, you should focus on foods rich in iron, zinc, proteins, and vitamins A, B, C, D, & E.

Medications and Supplements

There are numerous medications and supplements specially designed for hair loss treatment. Some of these medications and supplements work pretty well at encouraging hair growth, for the most part, but they may also come with several negative side effects.

Go for a Hair Recovery Procedure

If you’ve lost a significant portion of your hair and have the money to pay for it, going for a hair recovery surgery might be your best option when it comes to recovering lost hair. The procedure typically involves taking hair from other parts of the body and replanting it on the scalp.

However, despite its effectiveness, the procedure’s results only last for a few years, after which the new hair suffers the same fate as its predecessor.

image of how does kratom work

How Does Kratom Work?

Kratom’s effects are attributed to its abundance of alkaloids, which elicit different effects when consumed. The herb has about 40 different alkaloids, with mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine serving as its primary and most active compounds. These alkaloids interact with certain receptors in the brain to produce varying effects based on the user’s dosage and the strain in question.

When consumed, these alkaloids interact with different receptors, which are associated with numerous psychological and physiological processes. These interactions also stimulate the release of various hormones, including serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which give kratom its stimulant and mood-enhancing properties.

The effects you get after taking kratom depend on the strain you take, your dosage, age, tolerance, and metabolism. Typically, most kratom strains produce stimulating and energizing effects at low doses and calming and relaxing effects at high doses.

The Bottom Line

So, does kratom cause hair loss? Health experts aren’t sure yet. Hair loss caused by kratom use is one of the most widely discussed issues in online kratom communities and among long-term kratom users. Despite the limited amount of research supporting these claims, it’s wise to take notice and protect yourself.

You can prevent and even recover from hair loss and improve hair health by taking preventive measures like reducing your kratom dosage, eating a healthy diet, and only taking high-quality kratom products.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Regrow Hair Lost Due to Kratom Use?

For the most part, yes. In most cases, hair loss or hair fall due to external factors like interaction with medications grows back. However, for the hair to grow back, you may need to cut your kratom consumption and make a few lifestyle changes, including your diet.

Does Kratom Dosage Have an Impact on Hair Loss?

Taking very high doses of kratom over a long time may be a significant factor in hair loss. This is especially true for older individuals and anyone taking certain medications with hair loss side effects. Several other factors, like the user’s diet and genetics, must also be considered. Several other factors, like the user’s diet and genetics, must also be considered, especially since there are currently no direct answers to the question, “Does kratom cause hair loss?”

Are There Specific Kratom Strains Linked to Hair Loss?

Due to the limited availability of studies on kratom and its impact on hair loss, there is no conclusive evidence linking kratom and hair loss to specific strains.

However, because kratom’s possible hair loss effects come from its alkaloids, it might be safe to assume that more potent strains have a higher chance of causing hair loss.

One Response to “Kratom Hair Loss: Does Kratom Cause Hair Loss?”

  1. Dan Bishop says:

    The issue is that very few vendors test pesticides. 99% of the lab tests I have reviewed only test for heavy metals, yeast/mold, harmful pathogens, and alkaloid content. The pesticides are arguably more harmful than half the items the industry tests for but it seems to be completely overlooked. I see pesticides mentioned in a couple of pages on this site, which is good, but do you actually test for them? How can we know if newer cultivators in particular arent using pesticides that are well known carcinogens? If you are able to pasteurize or otherwise sanitize product once it arrives in the US , why not trade some of the obligatory pathogen/mold testing for pesticides, or better yet, add pesticides to the current standard of testing.

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